Any one with idea how implement this, if someone create a comment or reply a comment or create a post will notify via toaster notification like sweetalert or toastr
Best way to make toaster notification with javascript
I have made a Toast like component. It is a combination of Livewire and Alpine JS. It is included in app.blade.php.
The blade component is like
<div class=" fixed bottom-0 inset-x-0 mb-6 mx-6 px-6 py-5 max-w-sm rounded-lg pointer-events-auto {{ $alertTypeClasses[$alertType] }}"x-data="{show:false}"
@toast-message-show.window=“show = true; setTimeout(() => show=false, 5000);”
>{{ $message }}
It will show the component at bottom right corner, you can surely adjust as you like and restyle it. The main point is that it listens for a browser event
@toast-message-show.window=“show = true; setTimeout(() => show=false, 5000);”
and shows it for 5 secs and again closes it. I am sure you can make suitable style changes (I suck in that).
The component is simple:
protected $listeners = ['show-toast' => 'setToast']; public $alertTypeClasses = [ 'success' => ' bg-green-500 text-white', 'warning' => ' bg-orange-500 text-white', 'danger' => ' bg-red-500 text-white', ]; public $message = 'Notification Message'; public $alertType = 'success'; public function setToast ($message, $alertType) { $this->message = $message; $this->alertType = $alertType; $this->dispatchBrowserEvent('toast-message-show'); } public function render() { return view('livewire.toast'); }
Essentially it listens for the event “show-toast” and sets data from the event and finally gives a browser event “toast-message-show”.
Now, from any Livewire component, you can do
$this->emit(‘show-toast’, ‘New Post has been successfully created!’, ‘success’);
Nice one! Why is this method not documented? Was looking for this, thanks!
when i try the emit like bellow
'name' => $input['name'],
'email' => $input['email'],
$this->emit('show-toast', 'Saved!', 'success');
i got an error like bellow:
Error Call to undefined method App\Actions\Fortify\UpdateUserProfileInformation::emit()
can someone give solution?
Emit is a method in the livewire class, looks like you are trying to call it from inside of the update action class.
yes, i try to called it from inside update profile action.
is there a way to make it work when i press the saved button?
The short answer is to call emit in the method that is triggered from your wire:click/wire:submit on your component.
i still confuse, can you show some example with a code?