Delete Image Preview in Laravel Livewire

I would like to know if anyone knows how I can remove the temporary image preview in Laravel Livewire.

I have the following input file:

 @if ($imagenes)


@foreach($imagenes as $img)

    <img class="img-fluid w-25 my-2 contenedor-img" src="{{ $img->temporaryUrl() }}">



I need to add a button to delete any of the selected images.

The load is carried out in the following way:

@if ($imagenes)
    @foreach($imagenes as $key => $img)
       <img class="img-fluid w-25 my-2 contenedor-img" src="{{ $img->temporaryUrl() }}">
       <button wire:click="eliminarImagen({{ $key }})">


If you are trying to delete a single image it’s easy to do by:

<button wire:click="removeMe">Remove</button>
public function removeMe()
  $this->image = '';

if You are trying to delete on image in multiple images you can do the following

@foreach($images as $image)
<div wire:key="{{$loop->index}}">
    <button wire:click="removeMe({{$loop->index}})">Remove</button>
// ...
public $images = [];

public function removeMe($index)
        array_splice($this->images, $index, 1);

// ...

Thank you very much, it works perfect. Greetings

You are very welcome mate, happy to help :slight_smile:

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