Public property [id] on [alltasks] component is reserved for internal Livewire use

I upgraded Laravel to 7.0 and Livewire to 1.0.3, and I was able to login to my Laravel app, but I receive this message from a component:

Public property [id] on [alltasks] component is reserved for internal Livewire use.

What does that mean? It sounds like I can’t use a field called “id”. Is that the case?

the error you are getting is because of

So you must change the property name from id to something else

Ahh… So I can use “id” in my database, but I need to give the property a different name…

Or do I have to change it in my DB as well?

you don’t need to change field name in database you can change the property name while Saving to Database

I think you are misunderstanding what @manojkiran said. The only thing it’s checking for is a property named id on the component. So you cant declare something like public $id; or do something like @livewire('alltasks', ['id' => 5]). You can still have id’s in your arrays/collections, ie $task->id or $task['id'], that won’t cause the error here.

This error and your error here Argument 1 passed to Livewire\LivewireManager will probably fix themselves at the same time if you fix the issue on the other thread.

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