Two file-pond components in the same page

What seems to be the problem:
After watching the video ( I put two components of file-pond in the same page each with different model and I made one with multiple attribute and the other without.

The models are: $coverPhoto, and $gallery

The problem: when I prepare a file to upload in $coverPhoto and I put a dd($coverPhoto) in the component php file I get null and when I put another one with the other model dd($gallery) I get file info even I didn’t select files to upload in the $gallery component

Are you using the latest version of Livewire: Yes

Do you have any screenshots or code examples:
Below is the code of Form livewire component

public $coverPhoto = null;
public $gallery = [];

protected $rules = [
    'coverPhoto' => 'nullable|image|max:2048',
    'gallery.*' => 'nullable|image|max:2048',

public function saveProfile()
       if ($this->coverPhoto) {
            $cover = $this->coverPhoto->store('/', 'gallery');
                'cover_photo' => $cover

            foreach ($this->gallery as $key => $photo){
                $this->gallery[$key] = $photo->store('/' .
                    str_replace(' ', '', auth()->user()->name) . auth()->user()->id,

            $this->gallery = json_encode($this->gallery);

                'gallery' => $this->gallery

The view for the two components:

Hey @yabasha,

please have a look at this topic:

I guess that you are facing the same problem

Thanx for that, it solved my issue :+1: