Access event parameters in Component

Hi, somehow documentation is lacking of very important element… How to access the event parameters from a component event listener.

I have created a very simple event “emiting” from js:

window.livewire.on('details', elementId => {
    // alert('Trying to refresh details of element: ' + postId);
    console.log('js event for: ' + elementId);

$('#jstree').on('activate_node.jstree', function (e, node) {

It works well, I can see in console elementId. Now the question is how to access passed elementId in PHP?

class Details extends Component
    public $item;
    public $item_id;
    protected $listeners = ['details' => 'updateDetails'];

    public function updateDetails()
        // ????

Thank you!

Actually it was pretty simple! answering to myself:

   public function updateDetails($id)
        $this->item_id = $id;

Maybe it would make sense to add it to the documentation even if this that obvious…

Passing Parameters in events is documented. What suggestions do you have clear up confusion?