Alternative to select2

someone know if have a alternative to select2
but somthing only with livewire and maybe apinejs too

a dropdown with select options and Search

tahnks :slight_smile:

Hey, @haiibooo

Check this one:

And this is an example with livewire:

I have written an Article about it. Check it out! Hope this help.

I made this a few months ago. It isn’t perfect but it might help you get something similar going:

thanks but in need somthing with a search from the db

like tags add

I have Tom-Select working pretty well with Livewire and Alpinejs. You’ll need to write a bit of native Javascript and/or make some blade components to use it effectively but it will definitely let you retrieve and add items to the database.

Also recommend using the LIvewire Discord channel for more help.

@joleenshook could you share your code for the Tom-Select integration?