Array within array

Dear, I use a table like this with blade and controller in Laravel, it works.

I created a Livewire component and use the same table in it, only that piece of code doesn’t work. Can you help? Thanks.

         {{ $arrayTarifa[$servico->IDTIPO_SRV][$tipo->ID_TIPO_CARRO]->valor }} --> does not work


Hey, @gvillela7

Can you explain your code a little, cause it not understandable -for me- and what’s your issue exactly?

Hi skywalk, sorry for my horrible English.
My code is an array with vehicle type columns, “tipoVeiculo” and service type lines, "tipoServico

". I will put a screen to improve. In the connection between types of services with types of vehicles, I may or may not have values that will be links to a modal, that modal can update a value or insert new ones.
It works like this: When I select a client it searches for these values “arrayTarifario” and shows on the screen the matrix containing the values or icons to insert new ones.
What is happening is that in Laravel with routes, controllers and a common blade it works, when I try to rewrite a livewire component the matrix does not show the values. I put the livewire component in the gist, the link is above. The section below is the part that is not working. Thanks for helping.

The section below is the part that is not working.