Binding dynamicaly generated inputs

HI, what is the best way to implement dynamic input fields with livewire ?

I’m trying to do something like that. What is the livewire approach ? This is a json field in my model with nested properties

My field would be like that :

[['metric' => '', 'operator' => '', 'value'] => 0],['metric' => '', 'operator' => '', 'value'] => 0]]

Hi, here an example that works, you can adapt to your needs

First a publics array property for dynamics inputs
public $inputs=[];
public $inputsCount=1;

public function addInput()


public function removeInput()


<form wire:submit.prevent="save">

    <div class="flex inline-flex items-center w-1/3">
        <input name="services" wire:model="inputs.{{$e}}.input1" type="input"    class=" w-1/3 border-2 border-gray-300 text-green-500">
        <input name="services" wire:model="inputs.{{$e}}.input2" type="input"    class=" w-1/3 border-2 border-gray-300 text-green-500">
        <input name="services" wire:model="inputs.{{$e}}.input3" type="input"    class=" w-1/3 border-2 border-gray-300  text-green-500">
    <br />
      <x-jet-button wire:click.prevent="addInput">add Input</x-jet-button>
<x-jet-button wire:click.prevent="removeInput">add Input</x-jet-button>

// You will get an array with all inputs and values something like
array:3 [▼
1 => array:3 [▼
“input1” => “4”
“input2” => “ttt”
“input3” => “ddd”
2 => array:3 [▼
“input1” => “3”
“input2” => “aaa”
“input3” => “aaa”
3 => array:3 [▼
“input1” => “fff”
“input2” => “rrr”
“input3” => “tttt”
that should solve your problem

No this doesn’t work. It’s adding the fields on the form but they are empty

and there are some strange behaviour like the text in the inputs disapearing and reapearing

Did you wrap around a div the form ?

the ouput that you see there is what I get in the save method,
Can you show what you did ?

That’s an example of how to add dinamics forms elements and bind to livewire property, in this case I added inputs text, but as I said you can adapt, to your needs, that can be, select, checkbox, any form element.

The code to add inputs is working, i have this probleme