I’m really enjoying Livewire as I migrate the SAAS behind SchoolTwist.com from WordPress to Laravel. But I’m running into this limitation, and I’m wondering if I’m missing the bigger picture.
I experimented with livewire loading large blades when I clicked on various admin sidbar entries and sub-tabs in the body. It worked great until I ran into (documented) limitation that nested components can’t have reactivity.
To me, this means every page must be a monolithic layout in order to get the primary benefits of livewire. In practice, I found this to be a show-stopper towards using livewire to load chunks of page (but it works great for polling small-and-reactive components.
I wanted, for example, to create an ajax-populated modal with livewire components, but it didn’t seem possible unless I totally backed out of livewire for everything else on the containing page. In other words, a livewire component couldn’t dynamically load other components.
So, I’m not really really trying to solve this problem, since it is a documented limitation.
Do we think this no-cascading-reactivity limitation will ever be removed? Is it on the ‘roadmap’?