Cannot read property 'fingerprint' of null

What seems to be the problem:
I’m getting this error after I save my form and back to list of record in the CRUD.
I’m getting this only one of my pages, where I have at the top a search field to.
Interesting that I can save the data and only after succesfull saving is coming this error.
The list page is dieing befor rerendered.

I read more articles abouth is issue and I placed into each input filed wire:model also unique wire:id="…id…" but it didn’t helped me.

I’m using also alpine JS what is loaded after LiveWire JS.

Do You have any idea please abot possible next steps?

I managed to eliminate the error with @if(!$modal) I show the search field, but if the modal is being edited i don’t

But It is not a nice solution and I don’t understand why it is not working if I render this also with the modal

Please describe your problem in more detail using chunks of code

Thank You. It is more complicated and partly with hungarian text, thatswhy I don’t wrote it down.

SOLUTION (or error)
The problem was, that the form is more or less dynamic. If the user is choose one type of data, the other part of the form is changing. I mean not only data, also the form fields.
The poblem is if I not render the element they where there before.

Now is my solution, that the not needed fields I make in display: none div. There is, but the user is not seeing.

I’m not sure is the best solution, or how to tell LiveWire, that some fields are not needed anymore.

You can use different forms. Connect them using @include
Then use the display conditions. These can also be just form elements. if they are not connected, then nothing is transmitted in them. Just keep in mind that when using @include, you will have the code for all the elements connected in this way in a single livewire file.

Hi! Yes, perfect.
I think the problem is, each elemets are “live” If the user is changing one, but previously changes the value of the “nested” element and livevire observing it, then I have to include this fields to (I have to null in the controller) but i have to keep in the DOM.

Please tell me if I’m wrong.


in Livewire/Index.php
public $one = 1;
public $two = 2;
public $three = 3;
public $selectedCat;

in components one, two, three:

in view/Livewire/

<select wire:model="selectedCat" class="form-control align-content-center" 
     id="exampleFormControlSelect1" >
                <option value="1" selected>choise Catgory</option>
                <option value="2" selected>choise Catgory</option>
                <option value="3" selected>choise Catgory</option>

@if ($selectedCat =1) @include (‘’)
@elseif ($selectedCat =2) @include (‘livewire.component.two.php’)
@else ($selectedCat =2) @include (‘livewire.component.three.php’)

example one.php on view


I hope the example is clear, I wrote hastily. Running away on business

Thanks is clear.
My solution is similar, but not with include.
I think you will have the same erro if:
1, I choose CAT1 maybe i change the date in the included form
2, then I go back and choose the CAT2 - > new fields will be imported (depending on the cat type eg.)
3, if I reselect CAT 1 then can be a problem maybe also on the step 2.

you will have all the variables located in the root element of Index!!! when you change the properties in the forms, the state of the variables will be preserved!

I’ll try to record a video and demonstrate it, but a little later

Ok, Thanks. Haraso :slight_smile:

Sorry! I cant created video now. I temporarily had to go to another city)
I hope that I will be able to do what I promised before Monday

Spasiba :slight_smile: I will also make a sample code.
I’m still suffering with this.
I have above my CURD table search and select filed.
If I’m clicking on delete button - no field are changing - only invoking the delete method.
it is working, delete the record but at the serenader is diving with the above error.
If I hide befor delete and resend the search fields - no error :frowning: