When I return a redirect from my livewire component I get an error
Trying to get property ‘name’ of non-object
The non object/property in question is the auth()->user()->name
It is the logged in user displayed on the dashboard.
I have a function done() which redirects to a jobs.show route. This route then returns a view with the auth()->user()->name.
If i redirect from any other controller (non-livewire) all works fine. Its as if the session data is not available when you redirect from a livewire component.
Here is my Livewire Controller
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use App\Hazard;
use App\Job;
use App\Task;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;
use Livewire\Component;
class AddHazards extends Component
public $job;
public $task;
public $generic_hazards = [];
public $general_hazards = [];
public $selected_generic_hazards = [];
public $selected_generic_hazard = null;
public $selected_general_hazards = [];
public $selected_general_hazard = null;
public $hazards_in_task;
public $selected_task;
public function mount($task, $job)
$this->generic_hazards = Hazard::select('id', 'title')->where('generic', true)->orderBy('title', 'asc')->get()->toArray();
$this->general_hazards = Hazard::select('id', 'title')->where('generic', false)->orderBy('title', 'asc')->get()->toArray();
$this->hazards_in_task = array_column( $task->hazards()->get()->toArray(), 'title', 'id');
$this->task = $task;
$this->job = $job;
public function addSelectedGenericHazard()
if($this->selected_generic_hazard != null){
$added_hazard = Hazard::find($this->selected_generic_hazard);
$hazard = ['id' => $added_hazard->id, 'title' => $added_hazard->title];
if(!in_array($hazard, $this->selected_generic_hazards))
$this->selected_generic_hazards[] = $hazard;
public function removeSelectedGenericHazard($index)
$this->selected_generic_hazards = array_values($this->selected_generic_hazards);
public function addSelectedGeneralHazard()
if($this->selected_general_hazard != null){
$added_hazard = Hazard::find($this->selected_general_hazard);
$hazard = ['id' => $added_hazard->id, 'title' => $added_hazard->title];
if(!in_array($hazard, $this->selected_general_hazards))
$this->selected_general_hazards[] = $hazard;
public function removeSelectedGeneralHazard($index)
$this->selected_general_hazards = array_values($this->selected_general_hazards);
public function attachHazard($id)
public function detachHazard($id)
public function refreshGeneral()
$this->selected_general_hazards = [];
$this->selected_general_hazard = null;
public function refreshGeneric()
$this->selected_generic_hazards = [];
$this->selected_generic_hazard = null;
public function done()
return redirect()->route('jobs.show', [$this->job->id]);
public function render()
return view('livewire.add-hazards');
Anyone had this issue before.
The only packages I have installed is Laravel Debugbar, laravel/ui and livewire.
My laravel version is 7.16.1 and my livewire is 1.2.