Checked on input radio

I have these two input radio:

<input wire:model="old" wire:change="switchAddress" value="old" @if($old) checked @endif type="radio">
<input wire:model="old" wire:change="switchAddress" value="new" @if(!$old) checked @endif type="radio">

first one to show the specific inputs and second to show another inputs I did like so:

@if ($old)
    <input type="number">
    //there is aonther inputs
    <input type="text">
    //there is aonther inputs

my Component:

public $old = true;

public function switchAddress()
    if($this->old == 'old'){
        return $this->old = true;
    return $this->old = false;

everything is worked but when I click on any input it does not checked the input and keep the input unchecked !

You do not need to add manually checked attribute to the input element, Livewire is doing this pretty well for you. What you may consider to help browser and Livewire distinguish elements is to add id or name attribute to inputs.