Choices.js wire:ignore


I created a select component with choices.js. Everything is working fine but when I wire:ignore the div and wire:model the model id validation doesnt work in Livewire for the select component. If I remove the wire:ignore attribute everything is working fine but I loose the Choices Styling (instance).

This is my code:



    x-init="() => { 

        const cityChoice = createChoicesInstance(



    // console.log($wire.get('cities'));



    wire:model="{{ $attributes['id'] }}" >


    class="{{ $attributes['classes:div'] ?? 'py-3 px-1'}}"



    <label class="{{$attributes['classes.label'] ?? 'block uppercase tracking-wide text-gray-700 text-xs font-bold mb-2'}}" for="{{ $attributes['id'] }}">

        {{ $attributes['label'] }}



    <select id="{{ $attributes['id'] }}" x-ref="{{ $attributes['id'] }}">

        <option value="">{{ isset($attributes['placeholder']) ? $attributes['placeholder'] : '-- Select --' }}</option>

       @if($attributes['options'] && count($attributes['options'])>0)

            @foreach($attributes['options'] as $option)

                <option value="{{ $option[$attributes["optionkey"]] }}" >{{ $option[$attributes["optionvalue"][0]] . $attributes["separator"] . $option[$attributes["optionvalue"][1]] }}</option>





        <div @if($attributes['classes:error']) {{ $attributes['classes:error'] }} @else class="text-red-700" @endif>{{ $message }}</div>

* List item


