Chunked uploads with filepond not working

What seems to be the problem: I have been following the screencast on using filepond in livewire, and it works perfectly until I add chunked uploads (for large files)

Steps to Reproduce: Follow the filepond screencast. Then add chunking in the options with chunkUploads: true. The upload works fine, but is not chunked. If I choose a file larger than the server allows, it fails due to the post size being too large.
If I remove the ‘process’ and ‘revert’ server settings in the filepond configuration, and replace with an endpoint instead, it works fine, so it is something with that magic that Caleb added that is not working with chunked uploads.
According to the docs, chunked uploads work by initiating a POST request (without file) to start a chunked transfer, expecting to receive a unique transfer id in the response body. Subsequent patch requests upload the chunks.
Using the process and revert methods that Caleb specified in the screencast, it does not seem to do this, but still sends the entire file in a single post (ignoring the chunkUploads setting).
Does anybody have any suggestions for a workaround to get this working?
