Component with root "TR" tag

I have a component table that suppose to tr elements as nested child components.
It works for the first tr element and it is rendered correctly and all following are rendered, but do not have wire:id in browser and not recognized as sub components by Livewire.

It seems that Livewire does not like tr as a root element. I tried to render elements myself like:

\Livewire\Livewire::mount($component, ['row' => $html]) 

This way it gets kind of working, but renders very slowly and the table component always re-render all child components so there is no benefit of having child components.

Why Livewire is limited by having only div as root.

I have the same issue in my case i have this in the parent

   @foreach($stations as $station)
       <livewire:child :station="$station" :key="$station->id"/>

in the child component i remove the div tag and use tr as root element and it works properly and i can do more events, actions etc. in the first load. But, the issue is where I filter the table in the parent, child component doesnt change at all…

I hope to find some help regarding this issue.

Laravel 7
Livewire 1.2.0