Data promise cannot read 'data of null

Hai , :smiley:

I have a problem, which is meant by livewire.js? id = baf105a7de86deee8ac1: 1752 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property ‘data’ of null, and how to check for problems

livewire code

   public $plu='';    
   public $buttun_disable='';  

    protected $listeners = ['renderrecipt' => '$refresh'];

public function cari_plu_master()
        $today = \Carbon\carbon::today();
        $now = \Carbon\carbon::now();
        $cek_data_plu = master_item::where('plu',$this->plu)->exists();

        $cek_data_recipt = proses_recipt::wheredate('tgl_recipt',$today)->where('plu',$this->plu)->exists();
        // dd($cek_data_plu,$cek_data_recipt);

        if ($cek_data_plu == true) {

            //cek pernah input plu pada tanggal sama untuk recipt
            if ($cek_data_recipt == false) {
                $data_plu = master_item::where('plu',$this->plu)->first();
                //create data
                    'plu'=> $data_plu->plu,
                    'deskripsi'=> $data_plu->deskripsi,
            } else {

                $data_recipt = proses_recipt::wheredate('tgl_recipt',$today)

                    'stok_masuk'=> $data_recipt->stok_masuk+1,


        } else {



public function render()


        $today = \Carbon\carbon::today();

        $cek_isi_recip = proses_recipt::exists();

        $list = proses_recipt::wheredate('tgl_recipt',$today)


        return view('livewire.recipt',[


            'ds' =>$cek_isi_recip



view blade

<div class="card-body">
        <div class="form-group">
            <label for="formGroupExampleInput">PLU / Barang</label>
            <input wire:model="plu"  wire:keydown.enter="cari_plu_master" type="text" class="form-control" id="formGroupExampleInput" placeholder="Example input">

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col">
            <table class="table table-bordered table-sm">
                            STOK MASUK
                            STOK LAMA
                            TANGGAL RECIPT
                    @foreach ($list as $no=>$item)
                            {{-- <td>@livewire('qty-recipt',$item->plu,$item->stok_masuk){{$item->stok_masuk}}</td> --}}
                                <button  wire:click='deleteitem({{$item->id}})' class="btn btn-danger"><li class="fa  fa-trash"></li></button>
                                {{-- <button wire:click = "editqty" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">
                                    <li class="fa  fa-edit "></li>
                                  </button> --}}
                                <button wire:click = "editqty({{$item->id}})"  type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal">
                                    <li class="fa  fa-edit "></li>
                                {{-- @livewire('qty-recipt',$item->plu) --}}
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col">
            <button class="btn btn-info" {{empty($ds) ? 'disabled':'' }}>Save</button>


Wrap your whole blade in a div. Livewire attaches to the first div, so the rest are being ignored.

Ok i will check my blade script