I edited data without changing the photo, can you help me?
Edited data without changing photo
And the code behind the update? are you trying this->validate() in update and $rules that validate the correct file for image?
Hey, @jeroapriyansah
use if statement before updating the model
if (is_null($this->photo)) {
$this->photo = $model->photo;
can not bro , do you have example for me ?
As I can understand, when you call the modelData() you don’t assign any value to the properties at least you edit them in inputs. I think, you must assign values to your properties once select the editable entity or model like:
public function getModel()
$model = PengurusModel::find($someId);
this->nama = $model->nama;
//.....fill all the related properties
Particularly I, when updates, check for changes in the properties and just the modified will be updated and for that I use another vars like:
public function getModel()
$model = PengurusModel::find($someId);
this->prevNama = $model->nama;
//.....fill all the related properties
and in the update()
$data = [];
$validateData = [];
if($this->nama !== $this->prevNama) {
$data = array_merge($data, ['nama' => $this->nama]);
$validateData = array_merge(['nama' => 'required']);
//....check the other properties for changes
$validation = Validator::make($data, $validateData)->validate();
if(count($validation)) {
Hope this can help you a little
thanks you very much ,