Howdy, all. I’m new to Livewire, so the issue below may just be my misunderstanding of the workflow, but I wanted to reach out before butting against it for too much longer.
My eventual goal in using Livewire with my current project is to enable some more interesting user interactions with a Javascript charting library, amCharts, but I’ve abstracted my problem down to a basic component interaction shown below.
What seems to be the problem:
I have several identical components, each with a number input, a $number property, and an updatedNumber method. When the number is updated, I emit a test event, with listeners in the Javascript. That event just console logs the number.
When emitting the event, all duplicated components fire and log the number, which is expected. I would like all of the components to be self-scoped, with users interacting within them and modifying only that chart, so I’ve tested both emitSelf and emitUp, but the event listener does not respond in either situation.
These components are not created in a loop, but instead explicitly written in a blade, as below:
<livewire:test />
<livewire:test />
<livewire:test />
Looking at the docs, the emitSelf approach seems to be what I would want, though I get no resulting console logs.
Steps to Reproduce:
Create a test component and blade file.
On the component, add a number property, and updatedNumber method to emit an event.
In the blade, create a number input, and javascript to listen to the emitted event.
Update the number with a standard emit, and observe all expected events in the component fire.
Modify the event to emitSelf, and observe no events firing.
Are you using the latest version of Livewire:
“livewire/livewire”: “^1.3”,
Do you have any screenshots or code examples:
<input type="number" wire:model="number">
window.livewire.on('thing', number => {
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Livewire\Component;
class Test extends Component
public $number = 1;
public function render()
return view('livewire.test');
public function updatedNumber() {
$this->emitSelf('thing', $this->number);