Hi, @entangle does not seem to work.
Version : Alpine 2.8 and Livewire 2.3
The image show on click but never disappear with $this->showLoading = false;
Here my blade code:
<div x-data="{ loading: @entangle('showLoading') }" class="d-flex">
<button @click="loading = true" wire:click="import()" class="btn btn-primary mt-3">Lancer</button>
<div x-show="loading">
<img src="https://www.popvox.fr/app/static/media/loading.2f27f045.gif" width="100" alt="">
Here my Livewire class:
namespace App\Http\Livewire;
use Livewire\Component;
class Prestashop extends Component
public $showLoading = false;
public function import()
$this->showLoading = false;