File upload: max size for multiple files

Hi everyone.
I do not see a way to limit upload size for multiple files. Non of the option from documentation is working.
Rule “max” is referring to number of files:

            'files' => 'max:1',

Validation with asterix like following seems not to influence anything:

            'files.*' => 'max:1',

Global configuration of config/livewire.php has no effect either:

        'temporary_file_upload' => [
            'rules' => 'file|mimes:png,jpg,pdf,doc,docx,docm,xls,xlsx,xlsm|max:1',

Do I miss anything? It seems to be a bug or a big limitation.

Not a bug or limitation. I believe it uses regular laravel validation for size.

Specifically, something like:

'files.*' => 'file|size:512'

Actually I tried all possible numbers from 50 000 to 1. I see that there is an update in documentation about multiple files. Maybe I need to update the Livewire to the latest version.
But at the time of the first post i had a latest version…