Foreach loop IDs all 0 (Solved)

What seems to be the problem:
I have a strange issue where I’m getting all the records (only 3 records) from the DB, but if in Laravel blade I do a foreach loop, the id sets to 0 for all records.

If I echo out the object then all IDs are correct, it’s only when I add it into the foreach loop.

Steps to Reproduce:

// Livewire controller
 public $regions;
	public $region_id;

	public function mount(){
		$this->regions = Region::all();
		$this->region_id = Auth::user()->settings->region_id;
<!-- Blade view -->
	<label for="region" class="block text-sm font-medium text-gray-700">
	<div class="mt-1 rounded-md shadow-sm flex w-2/4">
		<select wire:model="region" class="block w-full pl-3 pr-10 py-2 text-base border border-gray-300 focus:outline-none focus:ring-red-500 focus:border-red-500 sm:text-sm rounded-md">
			<option>Please choose a region</option>
			@foreach($regions as $region)
			<option value="{{ $region->id }}" {{ $region->id = $region_id ? 'selected' : '' }}>{{ $region->title }}</option>
	@error('region') <span class="text-xs text-red-600 error">{{ $message }}</span> @enderror

Output from the $regions variable

[{"id":1,"title":"in the UK","abbr":"A","region_code":"UK","created_at":"2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z","updated_at":"2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z"},{"id":2,"title":"in the EU","abbr":"B","region_code":"EU","created_at":"2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z","updated_at":"2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z"},{"id":3,"title":"outside of EU","abbr":"C","region_code":"ROW","created_at":"2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z","updated_at":"2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z"}]

Output when in the options input

[{“id”:0,“title”:“in the UK”,“abbr”:“A”,“region_code”:“UK”,“created_at”:“2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z”,“updated_at”:“2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z”},{“id”:0,“title”:“in the EU”,“abbr”:“B”,“region_code”:“EU”,“created_at”:“2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z”,“updated_at”:“2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z”},{“id”:0,“title”:“outside of EU”,“abbr”:“C”,“region_code”:“ROW”,“created_at”:“2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z”,“updated_at”:“2018-12-30T21:47:39.000000Z”}]

Are you using the latest version of Livewire:

Any ideas?

Never mind… Ive been at since early hours and I spotted the obvious…

See if you can spot the issue :slight_smile:

{{ $region->id = $region_id ? 'selected' : '' }}