Form validation with a nest component


I have form with a nested component containing a drop down
I have managed to get the value selected from the component to the main component using emitup.
Now I am trying to trigger some validation on the field. How is this done? does it have to be triggered manually?

Does your nested component do anything? If it is nothing more than a container for your dropdown I would consider refactoring to make your life easier. A benefit of Livewire components is that they encapsulate functionality for reuse elsewhere. Having a Livewire component that does nothing more than wrap an element doesn’t really make much sense.

The validation should be handled inside the component. You could hook into the updated lifecycle hook and run the validation there. Assuming you have a property called $dropdown that holds the value of your dropdown it would look something like this:

public $dropdown;

protected $rules = [
    'dropdown' => // whatever your requirements are

public function updatedDropdown($value)

Now whenever $dropdown is changed it will re-run the validation.