Forward same two livewire directives as attributes in blade component

Livewire: v2.4.0
I am trying to forward 2 wire:click directives to a blade component.




<button {{ $attributes->wire('click') }}>Add</button> // This should get the addProduct

<button {{ $attributes->wire('click') }}>Remove</button> // This should get the removeProduct

As you understand this is not feasible as in both cases only the wire:click=“addProduct” is shown.

Although I could use a component per button I need this component to include both buttons.

So why not just pass the method names as two separate props to your component?

  'addMethod` => 'add',
  'removeMethod' => 'remove'

<x-component add-method="addProduct" remove-method="removeProduct" />

<button wire:click="{{ $addMethod }}">Add</button>
<button wire:click="{{ $removeMethod }}">Remove</button>

I just read the Laravel - Blade docs also. Correct solution.