Full page component not refreshing when new data is added

When I upload some new piece of data to the database from my full page livewire component, and I redirect to the dashboard which is a different livewire component, I have to refresh the page to display the newly added data. Is there anyway to have livewire refresh a component that is on another page without having to manually refresh it?

Livewire version is 2.4.0

This is the upload function from my add page

  public function upload()

        $this->animal->users_id = $this->user->id;

        $this->animal->breeds_id = $this->selectedBreed;

        $this->animal->animal_types_id = $this->selectedType;


        if ($this->image) {
            $fileName = $this->image->store('images/thumbnail', 'public');

                'image' => $fileName,
                'status' => 1,
                'animal_id' => $this->animal->id,
                'is_profile_picture' => true,

        $this->redirectRoute('dashboard.index', ['user' => $this->user]);

When they upload a new piece of data they get redirected back to their dashboard.

The dashboard gets all of their data

class Dashboard extends Component
    public Collection $animal;

    public function mount()
        $this->animal = Animal::with(['images' => static function ($query) {
            $query->where('images.is_profile_picture', '=', true);

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.dashboard')
            ->with(['animals' => $this->animal])
            ->layout('components.layouts.dashboard', ['title' => 'Dashboard']);

The dashboard view is build like this

@if ($animals->isEmpty())

        <div class="z-30 w-full py-6 text-xl font-bold text-gray-700 uppercase shadow-xl">
            <div class="object-cover overflow-hidden">
                <img class="w-auto mx-auto max-h-52"
                     alt="Add your first animal">

            <span class="flex justify-center">Start out by adding your first animal</span>
            <div class="flex justify-center pt-4 "><i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i></div>

        <div class="flex-1 overflow-x-hidden overflow-y-auto bg-white">
            <div class="container flex justify-center px-6 py-8 mx-auto">
                <a href="{{ route('animal.add', ['user' => Auth::user()]) }}"
                   class="object-cover max-w-xs col-start-2 mb-24 transition duration-150 ease-in-out rounded-lg shadow-md bg-primary max-h-80 hover:bg-primary-hover">
                    <svg class="w-48 h-48" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24"
                        <path stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-width="2"
                              d="M12 6v6m0 0v6m0-6h6m-6 0H6"/>


        <div class="flex-1 overflow-x-hidden overflow-y-auto bg-white">
            <div class="container px-6 py-8 mx-auto">
                <a href="{{ route('animal.add', ['user' => Auth::user()]) }}"
                   class="relative inline-flex items-center h-10 px-5 mb-10 text-white transition-colors duration-150 rounded-lg bg-primary focus:shadow-outline hover:bg-primary-hover">
                    <span>Add animal</span>
                    <i class="w-4 h-4 ml-3 fill-current fas fa-plus"></i>

                <div class="grid grid-cols-3 gap-3 antialiased text-gray-900">
                    @foreach ($animals as $animal)
                        <div x-data="{tooltip : false}" class="mb-24 ">
                            <a href="{{ route('animal.profile', ['user' => Auth()->user(), 'animal' => $animal]) }}">

                                @if ($animal->images->isNotEmpty())
                                    <img id="{{ $animal->id }}" x-on:mouseover="{tooltip = true}"
                                         x-on:mouseout="{tooltip = false}"
                                         src="{{ Storage::url($animal->images[0]->image) }}" alt="Animal image"
                                         class="object-cover rounded-lg shadow-md">

                                    <img id="{{ $animal->id }}" x-on:mouseover="{tooltip = true}"
                                         x-on:mouseout="{tooltip = false}"
                                         src="{{ Storage::url('public/images/placeholder/20200201_Honden_7683-1Klein.jpg') }}"
                                         alt="Animal image"
                                         class="object-cover rounded-lg shadow-md">

                                <div x-show.transition="tooltip" class="relative w-auto -mt-8"
                                     x-on:mouseover="{tooltip = true}" x-on:mouseout="{tooltip = false}">
                                    <div class="p-6 pt-8 bg-white rounded-lg shadow-lg">
                                            class="flex justify-center mt-1 text-xl font-semibold leading-tight uppercase truncate text-primary-dark">
                                            {{ $animal->name }}</h4>
                                        <div class="mt-4">
                                            <div class="absolute flex items-center mt-1 right-3 top-2 ">
                                                <svg class="w-4 h-4 text-yellow-600 fill-current"
                                                     xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
                                                        d="M10 15l-5.878 3.09 1.123-6.545L.489 6.91l6.572-.955L10 0l2.939 5.955 6.572.955-4.756 4.635 1.123 6.545z"/>
                                                <svg class="w-4 h-4 text-yellow-600 fill-current"
                                                     xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
                                                        d="M10 15l-5.878 3.09 1.123-6.545L.489 6.91l6.572-.955L10 0l2.939 5.955 6.572.955-4.756 4.635 1.123 6.545z"/>
                                                <svg class="w-4 h-4 text-yellow-600 fill-current"
                                                     xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
                                                        d="M10 15l-5.878 3.09 1.123-6.545L.489 6.91l6.572-.955L10 0l2.939 5.955 6.572.955-4.756 4.635 1.123 6.545z"/>
                                                <svg class="w-4 h-4 text-yellow-600 fill-current"
                                                     xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
                                                        d="M10 15l-5.878 3.09 1.123-6.545L.489 6.91l6.572-.955L10 0l2.939 5.955 6.572.955-4.756 4.635 1.123 6.545z"/>
                                                <svg class="w-4 h-4 text-gray-400 fill-current"
                                                     xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 20 20">
                                                        d="M10 15l-5.878 3.09 1.123-6.545L.489 6.91l6.572-.955L10 0l2.939 5.955 6.572.955-4.756 4.635 1.123 6.545z"/>
                                            Some information about {{ $animal->name }}
                                            <ul class="ml-6 list-disc">
                                            <span class="flex justify-center pt-4 text-sm text-primary">Click image to view


I see in redirect you bind user property but isn’t manage by Dashboard component??

The dashboard component has no need for the user property, I bind it because of my prefix which is dashboard/{user}.

What is going on with the redirectRoute property on your component, are you using a lifecycle hook to do something with it?

Why not just?

return redirect()->route('dashboard', [$this->user]);

Fixed it, seems it wasn’t an issue with livewire itself but caching the contents of the page, in my routes file I had the cache.headers:public;max_age=2628000;etag middleware enabled, disabling this on my dashboard route makes it so that new content is displayed without having to manually refresh the page.