How can i do language system with Livewire ?
How can i do language system with Livewire?
Not sure what you mean by “language system”, but the translation can be done in Livewire exactly in the same way as in Laravel
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see an example in practice
public function submit() {
'title' => 'required|min:4',
'video_id' => 'required',
'participants.*.full_name' => 'required',
'participants.*.email' => 'required',
'participants.*.role' => 'required',
'participants.*.photo' => 'required',
'participants.*.full_name.required' => trans('app.name_required'),
'participants.*.email.required' => trans('app.email_required'),
'participants.*.role.required' => trans('app.role_required'),
'participants.*.photo.required' => trans('app.photo_required'),
'participants.*.full_name' => trans('app.full_name'),
'participants.*.email' => trans(''),
'participants.*.role' => trans('app.role'),
'participants.*.photo' => trans('')
the first parameter is the rules
the second the messages
the third the attributes (the field names)
ps. this is part of a code
of course after validating you need to do something with your data, for example, record it
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if your translations are in subfolders you can use like this
and you can still use something like BabelEdit to help you with translations
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