Image Upload Breaking with bigger storage

What seems to be the problem:
The Livewire image upload events are not triggered correctly, if the storage folder is huge. (23GB)

Hello everyone,
I am having issues with my fileupload in Livewire.

I have my input for the file upload

<label for="images" class="text-center relative cursor-pointer bg-white rounded-md font-medium text-indigo-600 hover:text-indigo-500 focus-within:outline-none focus-within:ring-2 focus-within:ring-offset-2 focus-within:ring-indigo-500">
<p>Upload images</p>
<input id="images" name="images[]" multiple type="file" class="sr-only" wire:model="images">

And in my Livewire component, I correctly set everything up, I have the WithFileUploads trait and I have a function that should trigger if I upload an image:

 public function updatedImages()
    $this->validate(['images.*' => 'image|max:4096']);
    //Do stuff for saving
    $this->emit('refreshImages'); //refresh images shown

Now, if my storage folder is emtpy, everything works fine!.
I get my temporary File the uptadetImages() is triggered and I save the file.

However, if I paste the images from my setup (Folder Structure with 23GB of images) into my storage folder, the image upload breaks.

The temporary file is created, but the function updatedImages() is not triggered at any time.
Moreover, it stays in the loading state, which I display with:

<div wire:loading wire:target="images">Loading ...</div>

For the functionality of my program, i moved the temporary files folder to /storage/app in config/livewire.php

return [
    'temporary_file_upload' => [

        'rules' => 'image|max:102400', // (100MB max, and only pngs, jpegs, and pdfs.)

        'directory' => '/',

Has anyone ever stumbeled across this type of problem?
Am I missing something?
Any hints would be appreciated! :slight_smile: