Installation in existing Laravel app

Hi, I have existing Laravel app , I use bootstrap , my question is I want to learn on livewire, is it possible that I will install it to my existing laravel app?.

also I think livewire used tailwindCss ? does it will not conflict to my bootstrap ?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @ezekel,

Livewire doesn’t take over your application. You could start with 1 Livewire component on 1 page.

I find it great for forms. It gives you validation per field as you type as well as validating the whole submitted form.

Livewire is CSS framework agnostic. It’s views are just Laravel blade components with magic sprinkled here and there. Use Bootstrap as you do with your normal Laravel view components.

Give it a go. Start simple and create a Livewire component. You will be hooked!

Hi just to clarify ,so you mean I can install it to my existing laravel app ?

So long as you are using Laravel >=5.6, it is just a composer require away :wink:

Ok thank you I will try on this :slight_smile: