Keep reactiviy on nested child component

What seems to be the problem:

Im new into livewire, an im having the next issue… i got a tapes table component, where u select the tapes you want to take and add them to your wish list… so those tapes are updated on the DB to be on your wish list, and i got a nested componet… on the same page… the wish-list-compt component and i pass the wish list to it to be displayed using a foreach… however its not reactive… y tried the key={{now()}} but that work for loops and im not doing any loop, so you know how could i fix this?
The params are being load but not on real time… i need to manually refresh the page to do that…

@livewire('wish-list-compt', ['wish_list' => $my_wish_list])

Hey, @F5HK

Can you share your code?

So, You have two options here, the first options is to use regular controller and no need to livewire to do the job.

The Second options is to use events, and you can learn more here:

If you prefer screencasts. Look here:

Sorry for late reply, but i already solve it using the first one … events al listeners :smiley: … thank you btw for helping me

Happy to hear that!

Happy coding mate.