Livewire.js location

I install Laravel name myproject in a subdirector
after install livewire and follow quickstart to setup counter in hello.blade.php ,
after run, found error
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) ,
and found livewire.js default located in
how to fix it ?
I follow installation page ## Configuring The Asset Base URL to ‘asset_base_url’ => ‘/application’
but can’t fix

Hey @newbie2005,

the problem is probably that you have installed Laravel within a subdirectory. Laravel is not really defined for this and you will run into many problems when doing so. Laravel wants you to make its “public” folder your web root (mostly for security reasons). This means that also assets which you try to include point to a wrong directory.

But to “fix” your problem, you shouldn’t simply set the asset_base_url to “application”, this needs to resemble your setup. So in your case it should be:

'asset_base_url' => 'myproject'

Hope this helps!

In my case my getting this url if I set.

'asset_url'  => 'crm',

can you please tell me why livewire script is not loading…? I facing this problem from 3 4 hours but not solved yet :frowning: