/livewire routes do not seem to be working?

I followed the quickstart and docs at https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/quickstart
I am able to generate components from the command line, and the UI of the components to appear in my views when I include them.

However, /livewire/livewire.js. was giving a 404, that did not work, so I published assets, and now it loads ok from the vendor folder. But the rest of the functionality is still broken.

I try mounting an input . in my scraper component, and when I change the value, I see 404s being hit at /livewire/message/scraper

What do I need to do to register the /livewire routes? There was no step for this in the Quickstart or other installation steps.

I replicated my steps on an Ubuntu VM and everything is working as expected.

I don’t know what the problem was on my local mac running in MAMP, they are both running fresh laravel and livewire instances pulled from composer. But I will not worry about it for now and move on with my life on the Ubuntu instance =)