Livewire view don't send any xhr request to component

I have a select html tag in livewire view and a livewire component with following code:

and mount livewire component with this line in my blade view:
@livewire(‘admin.category-attributes’, [‘attributeId’ => $attribute->id], key(‘attr-’.$attribute->id))

but, when I change selected item, nothing happens and no xhr requests are sent to the server by the browser.
Let me say this too, I have inserted livewireStyles and livewireScripts blade statements in master blade file and they are loaded correctly. Thank you for your help.

Hey, @jzanguei

Just use wire:model="" instead of wire:change="" and no need to name attribute

<select wire:model="categoryId">
   <option value="something">Something</option>

Thanks @skywalker for your response. I did but it had no effect. Web-browser don’t send any xhr request.

Hi @jzanguei
Just double check for livewire assets and make sure you are published the vendor assets by

php artisan livewire:publish --config
php artisan livewire:publish --assets

and try to clear the cache of the app/browser

php artisan optimize:clear

Keep an eye on console logs to see if there are any errors.

Let me know if there are any updates with your issue.

Dear @skywalker,
I cleared cache several times. livewire assets loaded in browser correctly.
Even, I tested on another view without any problems. Please look at the render() method. I commented it.

I found the solution to my problem. I had to put all the contents of the view in a standalone tag so that livewire could assign an ID to it. Otherwise, livewire will refuse to send any request to the server. I was suspended for two days but it was a good exercise.
Thank you for your time.