Livewire2.0 view is not rendering

What seems to be the problem: I migrated my livewire from 1.0 to 2.0 with laravel 8 and some view are not rendering. previously on livewire:1 it was working
yield is not working ie app blade in layout is yielding panel blade and panel blade is yielding page i need

***here is my layouts/app.blade.php


    `<form action="{{ route('logout') }}" id="form-logout" method="post" style="display: none;">`

       ` @-csrf`





<script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>


      `  if (window.self !== {`

          ` = '{{ url('/') }}';`

     `   }`




***here is layouts/panel.blade.php




`<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ mix('css/flatpickr.css') }}">`







some content






go to
Livewire upgrade guide start reading from Removed: Route::livewire() you will find the answer there

this is something from the upgrade guide:

By default in 1.x, Livewire renders your page-level components using a traditional Blade layout located in resources/layouts/app.blade.php . In 2.0, Livewire uses the same layout file as a default, however, it now expects you are using the new Blade component $slot syntax in the layout.