Hello, I wanna to add loading state (wire:loading) when call emit. is it possible? How is that ?
Loading for emit - is it possible?
Hey, @dDoctorRD
You can call a method and inside the method an event.
public function save()
In your blade file
<div wire:loading.target="save">
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Thanks a lot dude.
I understand how to use it. Then, if the emit is called directly inside component like this :
wire:click="$emitTo('data.test', 'received', 'array')"
How do I call wire: loading without creating a method in the current component class?
You can use alpineJs
for that
<div x-data="{ shown: false, timeout: null }"
x-init="@this.on('data.test', () => { clearTimeout(timeout); shown = true; timeout = setTimeout(() => { shown = false }, 3000); })"
style="display: none;">
Loading ...
Inside the callback function do what ever you need to do with your code