Missing sub component html when running a test

I have a simple list component, that defers loading of the list as described here https://laravel-livewire.com/docs/2.x/defer-loading


class Index extends Component
    public Collection $notes;
    public bool $fullyLoaded = false;

    public function load(): void
        $this->notes = Note::all();
        $this->fullyLoaded = true;

    public function render(): View
        return view('livewire.notes.index');


<div wire:init="load()">
        @if(count($notes) > 0)
            @foreach($notes as $note)
                <livewire:notes.show :note="$note" :key="time().$note->id" />
                EmptyThis text will be hidden

The note itself is a subcomponent.

I was creating some test when I stumbled upon a strange problem:

function some_test()
        'title' => 'Cookie'

        ->assertSee('Cookie') // OKAY
        ->assertSee('Cookie'); // FAILS

When load is called a second time, all the html from the subcomponent is removed. Only the div container is present:

<li><div wire:id="xEBaFgqlXvQMOoHgeB0I"></div></li>

The question is, why is the html missing?

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