Mount data empty while calling function in component

Hi all,

  • In component, mount function I set user data, and in view file data is populated successfully. Now in view once I click on the button(which is calling one component method) then user data gets empty

Live wire component:

class UserBlogs extends Component
    public $user;

    public function mount(){
        ->leftJoin('addresses', '', '=', 'addresses.address_user_id')

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.user-blogs');

    public function userClick(){

Blade file :

    <button type="button" class="button" wire:click="userClick">wire click event</button>
    <table class="m-3">

I think you should pass in the plade file the user parameter for the click function.
In the controller you should add userClick($user)
I hope it helps.

HI @faxunil,

Thanks for reply. Is there any other way?
If i have many methods and parameters in that case that not ok to bind every parameter in method.