No update with wire:poll


I just installed livewire and started to play with it. I’ve some issue to make wire:poll working:
here are my tests:


<div wire:poll.750ms>

The livewire blade:


The livewire php

public function render()
    $random = random_int(1,1000000000);
    return view('livewire.conference-status',compact('random'));

But the random number is never refreshed…
I’ve tried other elements to make sure the livewire setup is working and tried the search user (from the code here )
There all is correct and i can see the requests to the server and the answer correctly displayed on the page.

any idea what i’m missing for the wire:poll?


Answering myself:

The wire:poll should be inside the component

   <div wire:poll.750ms>

I’m having a similar issue getting wire:poll to work.

I have the styles and scripts added. check.

I’m working off the counter example, it works so looks like live wire is working.

So below the counter example I’m adding:

<div wire:poll>
Current time: {{ now() }}

I also tried

<div wire:poll> 
Current time: {{ now() }}

The time displays but it isn’t updating.

Thanks in advance.

Self solved. Ok, I was trying to place the

<div wire:poll>
Current time: {{ now() }}

Directly in the view, if I place it inside the component it works as expected.