Notificacion flash faild


I’m using the translator, I don’t have good English yet, I have the following concern, I started on livewire 1 month ago, I want to apply it in a laravel 8 project.

My drawback is that the validation failed error flash message only executes once, I think I have to create an event, capture it executes and so with an event reload it, r or simply after the view fails to render again.

I don’t know if I’m seeing it in the right focus.

I attach the section of my component where I send it to call and the section of my blade view where it is executed.

When it is executed again without reloading the page the message is not executed, the page executes it but it is not seen. Something is missing and I can’t find what.

Livewire component
public function store ()

        'ambiente' => $this->ambiente,


    session()->flash('message', '¡Agregado!');


View Blade

<input placeholder="Buscar" wire:model="ambiente" type="text"
              class="appearance-none rounded-r rounded-l sm:rounded-l-none border border-gray-400 border-b block pl-8 pr-6 py-2 w-full bg-white text-sm placeholder-gray-400 text-gray-700 focus:bg-white focus:placeholder-gray-600 focus:text-gray-700 focus:outline-none" />
              @error('ambiente') <span>{{$message}}</span> @enderror


El que pase por lo mismo, leer bien la documentacion. jaja

Necesitaba vaciar los errores…
