Pagination localization

How to localize livewire pagination

 Showing * to * of ** results
__('Showing') * __('to') * __('of') ** __('results')

In resources/lang/ Put [language-code].json
For Example: resources/lang/ar.json

   "Showing": "إظهار",
   "results": "نتائج"

And so on …

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ok, that the answer I thought laravel language can’t support livewire components.

Showing 1 to 10 of 100 results

is generated by livewire pagination

{{ $posts->links()  }}

After all Livewire is just a Laravel Package
You can publish the pagination blade file and manipulate the code where ever you want
Customizing Pagination LV 1.0
Customizing Pagination LV2.0


{{ $posts->links('custom-pagination-links-view') }}

Or Component

    public function paginationView()
        return 'custom-pagination-links-view';

If you are using TALL Stack You can override the pagination on resources/views/vendor/pagination