Pass data from Alpine to LIvewire

What seems to be the problem:
How to pass data/variable from Alpine.js to Livewire model?

Steps to Reproduce:
Link to open modal:

        isOpen = true
        pid = {{ $id }}
        catlevel = {{ $level }}

and in other place inn HTML I have form with:

<input type="hidden" name="parentid" wire:model="parentId">
<input type="hidden" name="level" wire:model="level">

As you see when you click link there set two variables pid and level. The question is how to set these variables to related Livewire models in inputs?
pid to wire:model=“parentId”
level to wire:model=“level”

Are you using the latest version of Livewire:

Just determine in x-data of Alpine the variable with @entangle(‘name the variable in component’)…