Passing in a javscript variabele to livewire

What seems to be the problem:

I have a form wth a input field, the value of that input field i want too pass as a variabele to the livewire component ?

    <div class="modal-body">
            <input type="hidden" id="idProduct" name="idProduct"> 

 @livewire('stockmodalForm', 'Value of input above passing here ?')

How can i make this work ?
I cannot use view:model because the value in the input field is given by javascript and is not passed to livewire.

public $value= null;
public function render()
$v= $this->value;

/////in input


This is not what i need and will not work in my situation.

I have a hidden input field in a form where is already a value (via javascript)

i want the value of that input field passing in in my livewire component.

I already triied it the way you purpose but that does not work the value will be null in the render function.
The wire.model gets only a value when something changes in the input field.

@livewire('stockmodalForm', ['idProduct' => $idProduct])
I was not watch the is my solution, you dont need input

I don’t have $idProduct available there I only have the value in this input field but not a php variabele.
The input field gets it value via JavaScript.

uff there are several solutions like passing the input value to php or calling livewire from javascript.