Polling broken after Laravel and Livewire update

What seems to be the problem:
I use livewire in notification component, its updating every 10 seconds.
<div wire:poll.5000ms="mount">...</div>
And it works fine.
Today we updated to:

laravel/framework (v8.33.1 => v8.34.0)
livewire/livewire (v2.4.0 => v2.4.1)

And polling is broken, error in screenshot
Unable to call lifecycle method directly [mount] on component: [notification]

Steps to Reproduce:
Try to specify a specific action to fire on the polling interval by passing a value to wire:poll

Are you using the latest version of Livewire:
Do you have any screenshots or code examples:

upd, if change from mount to other function, like checkNotifications - works fine, you can update documentation about polling restrictions

Hi @NKazantsev, greetings from Brazil! I had the same issue here. For now, I’m using the old versions of the laravel and livewire to avoid this problem.