Prevent Modal pre open like blink when start to render page

How to prevent pre-openning a modal when start page rendering?

I guess this occurred from modal state property($modalSwitch) didn’t injected and not finished DOM calculating when start rendering.


<div wire:click="modalToggle"> //modal toggle
   <x-jet-dialog-modal wire:model="modalSwitch"> //modal
      <x-jet-danger-button wire:click="modalToggle">
      {{ __('OK') }}


class ... {

public $modalSwitch = false; //modal state, flase:close, true:open
public function modalToggle() // on/off toggle
   $this->modalSwitch = !$this->modalSwitch;

So I tried with used @isset($modalSwitch) directive rapping over the modal, but still blinking when I reload this page.

Hey, @alexander

Use x-cloak directive if you are using AlpineJs