What seems to be the problem:
I have a problem with the correct operation of the checkbox control when editing data.
Steps to Reproduce:
If I use a code:
<input type="checkbox" class="form-checkbox" name="select_tags.{{ $tag->tag_id }}" wire:dirty="select_tags.{{ $tag->tag_id }}" value="{{ $tag->tag_id }}" {{ in_array($tag->tag_id, $cms_tags->pluck('tag_id')->toArray()) ? ' checked' : '' }}>
This checkbox shows what items I have selected in the database (I see on the website which items in the checkbox are checked, the checkbox is checked), but when I change and save them, the select_tags control does not contain the data that I selected and it is normal that the change is not saved in the base.
If I use a code:
<input type="checkbox" class="form-checkbox" name="select_tags.{{ $tag->tag_id }}" wire:model="select_tags.{{ $tag->tag_id }}" value="{{ $tag->tag_id }}" {{ in_array($tag->tag_id, $cms_tags->pluck('tag_id')->toArray()) ? ' checked' : '' }}>
This checkbox does not show which items I have selected in the database (I do not see on the website which items in the checkbox are checked, the checkbox is checked only in code I see checkbox = checked) but when I make a change and save it, the select_tags control contains the data that I selected and the change is saved in the database.
How to make both showing and saving data work.
Are you using the latest version of Livewire:
Do you have any screenshots or code examples: