Reload Charts on Component Update

What seems to be the problem:
I have a chart showing data and using Livewire to be able to change labels on these items. Upon a change in label, I want my charts to serenader and show with the new labels but the chart keep disappearing after I make the changes. Please if anyone could assist, it would help me so much!

I am using jQuery and what seems to be Apex Charts

$correct refers to an array -> [0, 10, 20, 30] indication the amount of times this question was answered correctly

$questions refers to an array -> [‘question 1’, ‘question 2’ etc…] which re the question labels. These change, and so does the order of the data as well. Upon these changes I send a BrowserEvent to update the view and data. The data updates correctly with the question label and correct variable but I can’t seem to update the chat with these new variables.

Steps to Reproduce:

	<script type="text/javascript">

		// Class definition
		var KTWidgets = function() {
		    // Private properties

		    // Charts widgets
		    var _initChartsWidget1 = function($correct) {
		        var element = document.getElementById("kt_charts_widget_1_chart");

		        if (!element) {

		        var options = {
		            series: [{
		                name: 'Amount Correct',
		                data: {!! json_encode($correct) !!}
		            chart: {
		                type: 'bar',
		                height: 450,
		                toolbar: {
		                    show: true
		            plotOptions: {
		                bar: {
		                    horizontal: false,
		                    columnWidth: ['30%'],
		                    endingShape: 'rounded'
		            legend: {
		                show: false
		            dataLabels: {
		                enabled: false
		            stroke: {
		                show: true,
		                width: 2,
		                colors: ['transparent']
		            xaxis: {
		                categories: {!! json_encode($questions) !!},
		                axisBorder: {
		                    show: false,
		                axisTicks: {
		                    show: false
		                labels: {
		                    style: {
		                        colors: KTApp.getSettings()['colors']['gray']['gray-500'],
		                        fontSize: '12px',
		                        fontFamily: KTApp.getSettings()['font-family']
		            yaxis: {
		                labels: {
		                    style: {
		                        colors: KTApp.getSettings()['colors']['gray']['gray-500'],
		                        fontSize: '12px',
		                        fontFamily: KTApp.getSettings()['font-family']
		            fill: {
		                opacity: 1
		            states: {
		                normal: {
		                    filter: {
		                        type: 'none',
		                        value: 0
		                hover: {
		                    filter: {
		                        type: 'none',
		                        value: 0
		                active: {
		                    allowMultipleDataPointsSelection: false,
		                    filter: {
		                        type: 'none',
		                        value: 0
		            tooltip: {
		                style: {
		                    fontSize: '12px',
		                    fontFamily: KTApp.getSettings()['font-family'],
		                y: {
		                    formatter: function(val) {
		                        return val
		            colors: [KTApp.getSettings()['colors']['theme']['base']['success'], KTApp.getSettings()['colors']['gray']['gray-300']],
		            grid: {
		                borderColor: KTApp.getSettings()['colors']['gray']['gray-200'],
		                strokeDashArray: 4,
		                yaxis: {
		                    lines: {
		                        show: true

		        var chart = new ApexCharts(element, options);

		    // Public methods
		    return {
		        init: function() {
		            // Charts Widgets

		// Webpack support
		if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
		    module.exports = KTWidgets;

		jQuery(document).ready(function() {

My Blade File

<div class="card-body">
					<div id="kt_charts_widget_1_chart"></div>

My Livewire Controller

public function update($lesson)
		$this->questions = LessonComponent::where('lesson_id', $lesson)->where('content_type', 'Question')->orderBy('question_number')->pluck('question_label')->toArray();
		$this->accordian_questions = LessonComponent::where('lesson_id', $lesson)->where('content_type', 'Question')->orderBy('question_number')->get();
		$this->correct = LessonComponent::where('lesson_id', $lesson)->where('content_type', 'Question')->orderBy('question_number')->pluck('amount_correct')->toArray();

		$this->dispatchBrowserEvent('update_scripts', ['dataseries' => $this->correct, 'categories' => $this->accordian_questions]);

Are you using the latest version of Livewire:

Do you have any screenshots or code examples: