I’m seeing a Livewire issue for me when I use ANY Javascript form. Use the following form: https://bbbootstrap.com/snippets/multi-step-form-wizard-30467045 (Although I tried other forms and it happens to me all due to wire: model events from livewire)
The problem is that WIRE: MODEL takes me to the first section and I can’t use WIRE: IGNORE because it overrides SELECT related behaviors.
In the second section I use the following related form:
<div class="form-group">
<label for="provincia">Provincia</label>
<select wire:model="ubicacionSeleccionada" class="form-control" id="ubicacion">
<option value=''>Seleccionar provincia</option>
@foreach($ubicaciones as $ubicacion)
<option value="{{$ubicacion->id}}">{{ $ubicacion->ubicacion }}</option>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="tipopropiedad">Localidad</label>
<select wire:model="area" class="form-control" id="localidad
{{ count($this->areas)== 0 ? 'hidden' : '' }} ">
<option value=''>Seleccionar localidad</option>
@foreach($this->areas as $area)
<option value={{ $area->id }}>{{ $area->name }}</option>
And this does not allow me to use the WIRE: IGNORE to abort the events.
The problem is that any WIRE: MODEL generates an event that takes the form to the first section. It seems to be a REFRESH
Does anyone know how I could use livewire without this inconvenience?