Reload not work completely on livewire rerendering

<div class="">
<div wire:loading>
    <div class="loader-cont shadow">
        <div class="loader"></div>

<div class="d-block w-100 clearfix" id="refreshingOnPaginate">
    <ul class="list-products auto-clear equal-container product-grid">
        @foreach($products as $product)
            @if($product->details->isNotEmpty() && $product->detailColors->isNotEmpty() && $product->colors->isNotEmpty())
                <li class="product-item col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 col-ts-12 style-1">
                   <div> .....</div>
                   <div> .....</div>

{{ $products->isNotEmpty() ? $products->links() : ''}}

this is my liviwire component!
after i click to paginate i have this bug. please help me to remove it

i solve it. i change ul and li to div and i add bootstrap row class to ul