Search with autocomplete

Is there a package already? Something like typehead would be great

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Hey, @Alexandru

You can use livewire with AlpineJs to make autocomplete happened.

In your blade:

<div x-data="{isTyped: false}">
        <div class="relative">
            <input type="text"
                placeholder="{{__('Search ...')}}"
                x-on:input.debounce.400ms="isTyped = ($ != '')"
                aria-label="Search input" />
        {{-- search box --}}
            <div x-show="isTyped" x-cloak>
                            @forelse($articles as $article)
                                            <a href="{{route('', $article->slug)}}">
                                                {{Str::limit($article->title, 40)}}
                                            <a href="{{route('', $article->category->slug ?? 'uncategorized')}}">
                                <div x-cloak>


In your search component

    public $search, $isEmpty = '';
    public function render()
        if (!is_null($this->search)) {
            $articles = Post::search($this->search)
            $this->isEmpty = '';
        } else {
            $articles = [];
            $this->isEmpty = __('Nothings Found.');

        return view('search', [
            'articles' => $articles,

And you can add this method in your model or use Laravel Scout Package.

    public static  function search($searchKey)
        return self::where('title', 'LIKE', '%' . $searchKey . '%')
            ->orWhere('body', 'LIKE', '%' . $searchKey . '%')->with('category');

PS: because I don’t know what framework do you use to style your pages, I attended to paste vanilla HTML and, in this case you can use your own style/classes.