Select Filter Make Query

Hello people. First of all, it is not a livewire problem, but of my knowledge.
I’ve had a hard time making a situation work. I have some selects and I am trying to make my component set up a query through them. Currently, you can select wired:model and directly in the render, if not selected for null, add a query. I’m sure this is completely wrong, but I can’t seem to do it any other way.
Currently it works, but I know it’s done very wrong. Could someone direct me to the right path?

 class ProductList extends Component
    use WithPagination;

public $sortBy;
public $perPage;
public $parameters;
public $categorie;
public $subcategorie;
public $min;
public $max;

public function mount()
        'parameters' => [
            'section' => request()->section,
            'categorie' => request()->categorie,
            'subcategorie' => request()->subcategorie,


public function updatingSortBy()

public function updatingPerPage()

public function render()
    $section = $this->parameters['section'];
    $categorie = $this->parameters['categorie'];
    $subcategorie = $this->parameters['subcategorie'];

    $products = new Product;

        $products = $products->whereHas('sections', function ($products) use ($section){
            $products->where('slug', $section);
        $products = $products->whereHas('categories', function ($products) use ($categorie){
            $products->where('slug', $categorie);
        $products = $products->whereHas('subcategories', function ($products) use ($subcategorie){
            $products->where('slug', $subcategorie);

    if($this->min !== null){
        $products = $products->where('price', '>=', $this->min);
    if($this->max !== null){
        $products = $products->where('price', '<=', $this->max);
    $products->with('categories', 'subcategories');

    if($this->perPage !== null){
        $perPage = $this->perPage;
        session()->put('perPage', $this->perPage);
    }elseif (session('perPage')) {
        $perPage = session('perPage');
        $perPage = config('shop.perPage');

    if($this->sortBy !== null){
        switch ($this->sortBy) {
            case 'sortByAZ':
                $products = $products->orderBy('name', 'ASC');
            case 'sortByZA':
                $products = $products->orderBy('name', 'DESC');
            case 'sortByLH':
                $products = $products->orderBy('price', 'DESC');
            case 'sortByHL':
                $products =  $products->orderBy('price', 'ASC');
                $products =  $products->orderBy('name', 'ASC');


    if($this->sortBy == null){
        $products = $products->orderBy('name', 'ASC')->paginate($perPage);
        $products = $products->paginate($perPage);

    return view('', compact(
