Select html disappear when i update

Steps to Reproduce: When i update or click on edit button, selects disappear

When i click on edit

or click on update

My code:

wire:ignore must be in the parent div of the select not in the select.
if you want to update the property only on save, use wire:model.defer

where i have to put wire:mode.defer?

where you have wire:model, replace with wire:model.defer=“property”…
Your property in this case is cumple

doesnt works :c , any idea?

The select still
Disappears or wire:model.defer is the problem?

I seeing now that you have another wire:ignore in the parent div , stay with that only and test again

Also to reduce network requests in your texts inputs fields use wire:model.defer , if you don’t need real-time field updates or use wire:model.debounce directive read in the documentation / Properties

I solve with this:

window.addEventListener(‘contentChanged’, event => {