Selected option in modal results in closing the modal it is in

I have a select with options in a modal. Every time that an option is selected the modal closes. Once I reopen the modal the selected option is still there.

I am using the latest livewire with Laravel 8.

Are you using Bootstrap toogle for open the modal?

I am using the jetsream modal.


every thing worked well until I added a select/option in the form.
So I am using Laravel 8, Jetstream, Livewire and Tailwind CSS

please be sure that you are using the correct wire:click.“modifier” because I think that wire:click.ignore isn’t right.

Which modifier do you recommend ? I tried lazy, defer, and debounce.500ms. Did not work for me.

if in select div container you write: wire:ignore or wire.ignore.self??? I’m never used or know about Jetstream, for modals I use bootstrap and works well for me but with a little diff like his docs said

Thank you very much for your help, it was very much appreciated. I just discovered the problem it was some jQuery code that was messing things up. :smiley:

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I am having the same exact problem as you had. Can you please elaborate on what was causing your issue and the fix? Thank you.